Canada Trip Jul/Aug 06

Friday, July 21, 2006

Cycling in Ottawa

On Wednesday morning, Bron, Rob and Mandy cycled to the river and back. Ottawa is blessed with a fantastic network of cycle lanes. There are cycle lanes almost all the way between Earl & Mandy's place and the river, and they run through some nice areas of trees and parks. Being mostly flat it is quite easy cycling, so it wasn't too strenuous for us unfit ones. Sorry, no photographs of the cycling (I don't look good in lycra!!!!)

In the afternoon we took a drive across the Ottawa River into the Quebec province. (Ottawa itself is in Ontario province.) Quebec is French speaking so most of the signs are in French. We drove out into the countryside. Very beautiful and green at this time of year. We were heading for an aquatic park, but when we got there it was packed with long queues on all the rides. So we gave that idea up and drove around some more. There is a national park up in the hills. We stopped for fantastic icecreams in a little village then drove up to a lookout where we could see south over the plains to the Ottawa River and Ottawa city itself. So it was a good day seeing some of the nice countryside etc.


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